Ave Maria RadioMar 28, 2021Lenten Mission - Palm SundayMarcus is with us on this Palm Sunday, this week, let us press on to finish this race strong and keep the faith. Every day of this week,...
Ave Maria RadioMar 21, 2021Lenten Mission - Fifth Sunday In LentSo, this week in Lent, let us sit together as a family and talk about how our individual and family Lenten commitments have been going....
Ave Maria RadioMar 14, 2021Lenten Mission - Fourth Sunday In LentThis week in Lent, let us sit together as a family and talk about our individual and family prayer practices. Let us take stock of how we...
Ave Maria RadioMar 7, 2021Lenten Mission - Third Sunday in Lent WeekThis week in Lent, let us sit together as a family and think carefully about how we could share our time, our talents and your resources...
Ave Maria RadioFeb 28, 2021Lenten Mission - Second Sunday In LentToday Marcus Peter shares some insights on the Second Sunday in Lent. This week, let us as a family, receive the Sacrament of...
Ave Maria RadioFeb 21, 2021Lenten Mission - First Sunday In LentMarcus Peter joins of for the first Sunday in Lent. This week, let us ask ourselves, “How can I fast in small but consistent ways...
Ave Maria RadioFeb 17, 2021Lenten Mission - Ash WednesdayMarcus Peter returns this Lent to guide us through a Lenten Mission. Lent is considered a special time, dedicated to the interior...